First Stop

Rain forest Walk

Went on the 1 mile loop rain forest walk. We started our walk being menacingly approached by a turkey. Then there was a 6ft. Python stretched across the path. I was also pretty scared I was going to be crushed by a falling leaf because the fronds from the giant tress kept falling and it sounded like a bear fell from the sky each time they hit the ground. It was an exciting walk.

Third Stop

Curtis Falls

One of our first adventures with the GoPro while Forest was in town was heading up to Mount Tambourine. After touring the glowworm cave we went to Curtis Falls. We hiked in and saw this amazing waterfall. What can I say… I love waterfalls.

Cedar Falls

After Curtis falls we drove a bit further to Cedar falls which was a supposed swimming spot! Which I am always down for! We started the hike down to the falls by crossing the path of a Komodo Dragon… Forest was fascinated, so much he got a tad close for my comfort. So I was stating a solid 20 meters away as he got the incredible video footage. We then found the amazing swimming pools! Each has a beautiful waterfall flowing into them! We saw there was a rope leading to a ledge we could jump off of… So…

Also, the rocks were super mossy and it was historical when we tried to climb out of the pool cause it took us a solid minute.